Baranov Lingvisticheskaya Ekspertiza Teksta Pdf

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Jun 23, 2017 - Baranov, A.N. (2007), Lingvisticheskaya ekspertiza teksta: teoreticheskie osnovaniya i praktika [Linguistic expertise of a text: theoretical. Article as pdf 0 Comments Share. Baranov, Lingvisticheskaya ekspertiza teksta: Teoreticheskie osnovaniia i praktika; uchebnoe posobie [Linguistic.

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Abstract Background. This study addresses a current problem relating to trust and the identification of gender differences in trust/mistrust manifestation. Gender identity is associated with cultural stereotypes and social roles, which facilitate the formation of trust in people.

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It acts as a significant integral meaning-based component of an individual’s “I”- conception, which contributes to the formation of trust in himself and the world around him. To study features of trust/mistrust towards others in young people with different gender identities. Tow truck mods for rigs of rods trucks. The cross-gender-typical sample consisted of 179 representatives, 83 males and 96 females, ages 17 to 23 (M = 19.34 and SD = 1.79).


The techniques for collecting data included the MMPI, the Sex-Role Inventory by S. Bem, and the Trust/Mistrust towards Others questionnaire by A.

The results were processed via the Mann-Whitney U Test, the Kruskal-Wallis H criterion, and cluster analysis. Criteria of trust/mistrust among the youth with different gender identities were identified, and basic types of trust — categoric, irrational–emotional, ambivalent– contradictory, and non-differentiated — were singled out.

Irrespective of biological sex, bearers of different gender identities do not exhibit the same criteria to determine trust/ mistrust. This study makes it possible to enrich our understanding of the role of social gender in the formation of interpersonal trust and differences in the foundations of trust toward others, in people with different gender identities.© 2019