In a small village where ayakashi and humans coexist, there is a shop that serves meals for ayakashi. In that store, both ayakashi and humans go there to eat. The shop owner is a youko (a mythological fox spirit) taking on a human form. One day, when autumn approached, a lone girl enters the youko’s store.
In the beginning of the game, your options choose what personality the heroine has which also affects what happens in the routes The English Patch should be out anytime soon. The last update said it was about 82% completed Re:Birthday Song (PC).
Requiem— somewhere very near the boundary between heaven and hell where one's soul returns to. In that place is a school in which Reapers—beings that collect human souls—are developed and trained. There, they pair up with one another to study in order to become a fully fledged Reaper, but the protagonist, Cocoro, wasn't selected by anybody to be her partner as she performed poorly in all disciplines of Reaper study.
Aug 26, 2015 - Brothers Conflict is from most otome games where you eventually enter. Fans are working on English patches for the games, but there are.
As a result, she was grouped with other cadets that were falling behind, and was made to take special supplementary lessons. English Patch is nearly done as well. Last update on progress was 85% completed Brothers Conflict (PSP). Reply to: NekoMoon I hope they won't drop the patch!!! Because that won't be depressing only for the translators but also for us waiting it for years!:fearful: jjjewel(hack-translator) worked in the project. Most of the english patch available for nds and psp are made by her and her colleagues. She's also the one who posted BroConflicts eng patched scenes on yt.
However I read in her site that she won't be working for awhile (been almost a year); so I hope their lack(?) of progress in the patch is not due to her absence.:worried: Read more.
『 BROTHERS CONFLICT -PASSION PINK- 』 aka PASSIONATE PINK BROCON aka Kind of Tsubaki route start I guess? Warning: This post is probably an embarrassment to my crap ability at Jap & note-taking (or lack thereof) so PROCEED WITH CAUTION I GUESS LOL oh, and it’s kind of image-heavy GOOD DAY EVERYONE (^0^)/ Wow, a post on an otome game that isn’t for PC? Yay /o/ Well seeing as how Brothers Conflict has been green-lit for an anime, I decided I’d play the game and endure the horrible system to see what it’s like. I’ve been meaning to play this for a while now (in fact, nearly everything I’ve done as of recently has me thinking BROCONBROCONBROCON the entire time, it’s getting bad) and have just gotten around to starting it lmfao. The system has daunted me, but peche’s guide looks like it’ll help lead me through this shit. Hahaha well I’m glad you like the emoticons, I feel like I might be creeping people out with them LOL 8D and same I’m pretty interested in the anime adaptation~ And yeah I’ve noticed there’s been like no info about it haha so I’m wondering when the air date is going to be. I’m sure they’re timing it with the release of Brilliant Blue but that release date is pretty much “sometime in 2013” lmfao way to be, delayomate.
>_> LOL Starry Sky vs Brother’s Conflict xDDD makes me think of some RPG game or something like that www. LOL RPG of SS vs BC would be pretty intense haha! XD and yeah a lot of otomate’s games have been getting anime adaptations, esp with Hakuouki being a huuuge hit lol. But yeah Brother’s Conflict seems pretty slow with any information release._. Which sucks lol cause I want Brilliant Blue already xD and yeah AMNESIA is getting an anime too Not sure if I’ll watch it, but I might just for the hell of it 😛 LOL.
But yeah, I guess they have a lot going on over there so they’re slowing down a bit? XD lol or it could be their bad delaying habit coming back again lol delayomateeee •. Hello~~ Yeah Peche’s guide is pretty confusing, I’ve noticed that if I don’t do things exactly to the guide I get random 1st events as well. I would try loading a save state from before Kaname/Subaru’s 1st event and re-try the route. However if you did continue on and it didn’t affect the rest of the schedule I think it’s fine to keep going~ 🙂 I actually haven’t gotten that far, I got really tired of BC’s system really fast xD I actually haven’t done Masaomi’s route yet so I’m not exactly sure if that will affect anything in the future or not! D: sorry if I wasn’t much help!