INTRODUCTION: Hey everybody, My name is Jake, and I am a constumer. Ever since I was a child, I grew up with the awesome glow of my television with the Star Wars movies playing on it nearly 24/7. Sam broadcaster pro 20147. I really enjoy the Star Wars saga, and most of the cartoon movies that have been coming out reciently. I started costuming when I was 11 when I began to make props from Star Wars. Shortly after I abandoned it, and later went to Halo costuming.
Cx one v4 keygen. Now, here I am 4 years later, ready to get a jump start on Star Wars prop and costuming again. I am a wiz with Cardboard weapons and armour, and am very good at scratch building. I don't think i am as good as some of you members here, but I hope to be one day. I am also experianced with Pepakura, and wish to make some Clone armour using a mix of Pepakura, and scratch building. Anyway, enough about me, onto the tutorial.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- STARTING NOTES: -I am the original creator of this tutorial. I am a member of the 405th Forums (the origin of this Tutorial was from the 405th). My username is Xtreme TACTICS 101. If you believe this tutorial was stollen, feel free to PM me on the boards at the 405th, or contact me by any way you wish. My contact info is listed below.
-All questions regarding scaling you have you can direct towards me. My contact information is as follows: E-mail.: MSN.: Skype.: xtremetactics101 405th PM: Xtreme TACTICS 101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well everybody, I have seen MANY threads from the new members or 'Noobs' on this forum, and it has come to me, we need a clear answer.
The question, 'How do I scale my armour'. The answer, its here.
Before starting the tutorial, I would like to bring a quick note to everybodies mind. At the bottem of every scaling method, there is a raiting. Each rating category means: Difficulty-The difficulty of the Method (the lower the number, the easier it is).
In the field, clone trooper medics wore standard armor with orange markings, notably orange circles on the shoulder armor and an orange stripe on the helmet. Clone trooper medics carried DC-15S blaster rifles and spare ammunition like other clones, as well as medical equipment.
Accuracy-The accuracy level of the Method (the higher the number, the more accurate it is). Compatability-The ammount of use the Method has (the higher the number, the more compatable it is). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD #1 Here is how I scaled my armour, and trust me, It has never failed me so far! There are 5 easy steps to sucessful armour scaling: Step 1: Printing the figure Step 2: Finding height of you and the figure Step 3: Finding the scale Step 4: Multiplying the numbers Step 5: Making a dream a reality! In a few moments, I will explain each step in detail, but first off, let’s talk materials. You will need: 1-A Ruler 2-A Pencil 3-A Piece of Paper 4-A Calculator 5-A Printer 6-Pepakura Desinger (Any Version) If you do not have a printer, use one at your school if possible, or use a friends or family members. Now, First step-Printing the figure.
This step, like all the others is VERY important! You need to find a picture of the armour you are making. But, the armour has to be on a human being, or a video game character. This will not work if you have a bunch of random pictures of each separate armour piece.