Mar 13, 2014 - Please see below link and generate the parser to extract the information of driver License.
(1) DMV developed software. The DMV stand-alone software requires a Windows operating system, an ink-jet or laser printer (desktop or network printing at a minimum of 300 dpi), a modem (28.8 minimum speed) and at least temporary access to the Internet along with an e-mail address. The modem and Internet requirements are only for initial download, set-up, and to receive any future updates.
Upon the request of a New York State Department of Financial Services licensed agent, broker, agency or insurance company the New York State Department of Financial Services shall distribute the DMV software to its licensees in accordance with procedures established by the New York State Department of Financial Services. (2) Technical documentation.
Insurance companies, agencies, brokerages may wish to bar code enable existing automated ID card issuance applications and systems. Upon receipt of an executed confidentiality statement executed by an authorized employee of an insurance company, agency or brokerage DMV will furnish its developmental materials. Such development materials provide a starting point for internal development of mainframe or other environments, platforms, etc. A vendor who has an existing relationship with a New York State Department of Financial Services licensee may obtain development materials from DMV upon submission of the required confidentiality agreement and a letter from the licensee or an authorized employee of the licensee confirming the business relationship. (5) Certification.
Gurps 4th edition pdf torrent. Issuers who develop their own applications and systems to issue compliant encrypted 2D bar coded ID cards in full compliance with this Part shall submit sample documents to DMV for testing purposes and receive official DMV approval prior to commencing ID card production and distribution. Issuers shall submit a sample of each type of ID card to be issued. Dragon ball raging blast 2 download.
In addition, if an issuer is incorporating a faxable bar code, a sample of each type of ID card shall be faxed to the commissioner or a designated DMV representative. Upon submission of an ID card with a compliant encrypted 2D bar code, DMV shall scan (decode the symbol), authenticate the encryption key and PIN number and electronically verify that the issuer's New York State Department of Financial Services license is not revoked. DMV will make appropriate name, vehicle and date comparisons to ensure that the card is otherwise in compliance with the requirements of this Part. Key data elements including insurance company code, issuer's New York State Department of Financial Services license number, policy number and effective date of coverage or registration shall be captured and posted to DMV's insurance information database. In accordance with Part 34 of this Title, these key data elements along with name, address and vehicle information will be included in an electronic mandatory verification (MVF) transaction sent to an insurance company due to the absence of required electronic proof of insurance.
(1) Effective January 7, 2002 the department, its agents or any party authorized by DMV to process registrations shall not accept an ID card for registration, insurance processing or for any other purpose that does not contain a compliant encrypted bar code. Both the ID card and the bar code shall be in full compliance with the requirements of this Part including DMV's technical specifications. The January 7, 2002 effective date applies to ID cards that are presented to DMV in an issuing office or received by DMV through the mail or by delivery service.