Montazh ekspluataciya i remont oborudovaniya fontannih i nagnetateljnih skvazhin. Pekny jednoduchy priklad. Avsak tlmoci len vlastnosti stavby. Skusite mi povedat ake su vyhody tohto domu na zaklade tychto pohladov?
We now provide custom colour separation services to all our customers. Just tell us what type of colour separation you want us to make and we will provide you within 24 hours. You tell us the size, number of colours and separation you want us to use. The following is a description of the different types of colour separation. Read them carefully to know what type you need because the wrong choice can lead you to unnecessary expenses. We will make changes if needed, but changing the separation process will result in new costs.
Whether you have a 12-color automatic press or a 6-color manual press, getting a great set of seps makes jobs print easy and eliminates the headaches. We can provide a standard Photoshop channel separation or if you don't have Photoshop we can provide separations that you can print from Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw! T-Seps 3.0 Separation Suite is the next generation of the T-Seps and FastFilms color separation software family. T-Seps 3.0 has been totally re-worked, updated and greatly improved to work in Adobe Photoshop CS6 & CC ** (Mac or PC) and is a full suite of separation and graphic effects programs.
With any type of artwork that you print, the printing process must be separated. Even with simple colour separations, one screen per colour should be used in the silkscreen separations process. With true process separations, four screens should be used. And with more complicated screen printing separations methods like simulated printing, more than three screens may be used depending on the artwork used.
Simulated process colour separations Simulated process colour separations process combines Pantone colours and halftones to create full-colour designs. What makes this method so popular is that the results are consistent as long as the same colour separations technique is applied. Simulated process screen print separations can be done in Photoshop, more specialized software like Fast Films, Easy Art, and Spot Process may help you produce the results you desire quicker. True Process colour separations True process colour separations process involves four colours black, yellow, magenta, and cyan using Photoshop, or Easy Art. The advantage of this process includes saving time and labor by only having to use four screens. Index silk screen separations This process uses pixel dots instead of halftones in creating new colours and utilizes fewer colours to get the same look intended, which allows you to produce very fine details without risk of more. While you can use Fast Films, Easy Art, and Photoshop to develop designs for the index colour separations method, a large press is required for multi-coloured prints involving many screens.
Spot colour silkscreen separations Spot colour silkscreen separation can be done by simply using CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, or another graphics program without any special software. The spot colour silk screen printing separations process is suitable for one to three colours. Occasionally, spot colour printing may be used with designs involving over 10 bright colours, though this is rare.
No matter the number of colours in use, artwork that is vector designed only can be done through spot colour separations. If you are looking for the screen printing colour separation services, the services are just 1 click away from you.
To download FASTFILMS COLOR SEPARATION SOFTWARE, click on the Download button These files are NOT vector files. Download the complete T-Seps User's Manual as a PDF file. Don't miss our T-RIP for Epson inkjet printers to give you imagesetter quality films! Other Options: T-Seps 2. T-FX Photoshop plug-in gives you dozens of more special effects. Fastfilms color separation software Fastfilms color separation software Fastfilms color separation software Watch these short videos on how to install and run T-Seps.
You can download a Free Trial of T-Seps 2. T-Seps automated color separation plugin for Adobe Photoshop now softawre in Photoshop version 6.