Free Ex4 To Mq4 Decompiler Software

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IgnoredWhether that is true or not is not the most important part, which is that a lot of these dumb cunts never paid for anything in their lives and just want a free lunch after finding an ex4 somewhere online and hoping someone will reverse-engineer it for them. Secondly, those who did pay for someone to supply them ex4's intend to pass this off to someone else to change the original functionality in some way which I can't imagine falls under any legal grounds. There is no end to the spreading of the code once the box is opened, and that can't possibly be legal.


Mar 05, 2019  software decompiler ex4 ke mq4 - contact me If looking to decompile ex4 to source code please make order on this service.

There's just no way you can skin this that doesn't result in the simple fact that people are shit and just want access to things they have no rights to. The more mental gymnastics required to justify getting at source code that wasn't actually sold or given to you the more it should become obvious that it's wrong. IgnoredIf it's hard to do it doesn't mean that it is not allowed. The fact that programmers do not want to show their source code doesn't make it illegal to decompile it and use the ideas (I assume there are 0 patented ex4 'inventions'). I can't see anything wrong with it. If I buy an ex4 and want to see the code in order to get the idea of how it's done and then eventually implement it myself (you can't just copy paste decompiled code into your app, wouldn't do much good.

Another thing is you can't patent source code, that's why everyone is hiding it so much) I would have no issue in doing that. (Excuse my English). Spule, I dont have a problem with your English, I understand everything you said. But you show a lack of understanding of basic concepts. Reverse engineering is not the same as decompiling. Decompiling can be done by anyone with a computer.

Reverse engineering on the other hand takes skill, experience and a lot of effort. If you really want to see what a program does, ask the developer and he might give you a description for an extra charge. If he declines it is possible that he wants to protect something. That is his right, it took him lots of experience and effort to create something he considers valuable. It is not right for you to violate the restrictiins of the developer. That is a serious and in many cases a criminal offence. Just to remind you of the seriousness, consider the trouble Uber is now in.

They hired an engineer from Waymo to help develop a driverless vehicle.Waymo claims that the engineer used stolen code from his time employed there and reused the code at Uber. Now Uber is under a restraining order to stop development and the engineer is being investigated on criminal charges. There is a huge gap between driverless vehicle code and a piece of crap MT4 program but the principle is the same. Stealing is stealing.

EDIT: Think about this. If Uber had merely reverse engineered a Waymo car (say from videos) plus used a little inside info from the engineer, its doubtful they would be in any touble and the engineer would not be facing any criminal charges. There is a very fine line between copying and stealing but its a line everyone must understand and respect. CodeMeister, I appreciate your comment. Decompiling can be part of reverse engineering.

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As the basic concept is that you are trying to find out HOW THINGS WORK under the covers, isn't it? I am a developer myself. I have been a developer for 12 years now and this is how I understand it. The example you gave here, I am not sure if we can even TRY to compare those two.

First of all, when a company hires a developer (or a contractor) it usually states in the contract that all the work the person does BELONGS to the end client. Another thing is that I am sure that various patents were involved which changes things completely. The view I have is that everyone can reverse engineer any software they got legally, look at the code, learn from it, borough ideas, but not REUSE it for commercial purposes.© 2019