Even if you think you’ve had enough of 2016, there’s going to be one more second added at the very end. And it will affect your Exede or WildBlue internet service.
Here’s what’s going on: The earth’s spin is not constant. Atomic clocks — which tell us the time, set television broadcast frequencies and communicate with GPS satellites — must be periodically adjusted to sync with the earth’s rotation. This little tweak is called a “leap second,” and the world’s timekeepers have added this second every few years since 1972. The next leap second change will occur on Dec. 31, at 5 p.m.
Mountain Standard Time. (More precisely, it’ll be at 23:59:60 UTC, or Coordinated Universal Time.) What does this mean for you? Viasat, provider of Exede and Wildblue Internet, must also add a leap second to the clocks for the devices that provide your internet service. Our Network Operations Center in Denver will take care of this on Jan. 3-4 by resetting your modem.
Any further suggestions appreciated. Have found holding the menu key produces a list of options and am working through trying to figure them out. No visible connection for usb jack-yes I had looked in glove box. Unit fixed in dash behind fascia, not accessible.
$300 per ton up to 20 tons (maximum - $6000), plus a $50 bonus if installed. Exede Internet Service and it is a win-win. By tweaking efficiency, some folks. Home; Roosevelt County Montana; Daniels County Montana; Nobles County Minnesota; Rose Atoll American Samoa; Atascosa County Texas; Walla Walla County Washington.
This will cause a service interruption between 11 p.m. Mountain Time Jan.
The interruption will likely be between 15 minutes and 1 hour. In addition to your internet service, you may notice other impacts of the leap second. Financial markets, GPS services and other areas that rely on time and computers may also be affected.