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Patch navitel comexe. Mai Rempel has extensive experience as lead counsel and lead negotiator, practicing in the areas of, major capital project development,, properties, and law. Mai’s practice includes providing advice to Crown and corporate clients with respect to identifying and developing strategies to mitigate legal, financial, political, regulatory, environmental and operational risks in relation to energy, utility and infrastructure projects on Crown and First Nations lands. Mai has particular expertise and experience regarding treaty negotiations and First Nation land and governance-related matters, acting as lead negotiator for clients in the BC tripartite treaty process. Mai's capital projects experience includes responsibility for project management, delivery, legal advice, multi-party stakeholder engagement and preparation of land and commercial agreements, including First Nations Benefits agreements, for hydro-electric power, telecommunications, fibre optic, natural gas production and export facility, and mining projects in British Columbia, as well as, nationally. Prior to joining Dentons Canada LLP, Mai was Senior Counsel and Manager with BC Hydro, overseeing a specialized department that provided corporate-wide legal advice, including the negotiation and preparation of agreements regarding the corporation’s interests as they relate to First Nations lands and governance regimes.

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Innabi reviewed a contract for us that was sent by a prospective tenant. The tenant was a national chain with attorneys on staff. They gave us a difficult contract that was over 40 pages.

Bead tool 4 cracked Mai began her career acting for First Nations’ clients in relation to high profile aboriginal rights and title litigation cases, and also acting in respect of solicitor’s work advising on Band constitution, corporate and administrative issues. • Canadian Chartered Bank: Advising the administrative agent and a syndicate of lenders, on a CA$210 million syndicated project financing used for the development, installation, construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of the 33 MW Narrows Inlet Hydro Project located 75 km northwest of Vancouver, British Columbia. • BC Hydro: Advising in connection with the negotiation and preparation of agreements providing for the transition of its corporate interests and assets on lands transferred to First Nations in accordance with Treaty Final Agreements.

• Conuma Coal Resources Limited, a member of the ERP Group of Companies: Advising on its US$35 million acquisition of assets plus assumed liabilities including three surface mining coal complexes from Walter Energy Canada in this 2017 Cross Border Turnaround of the Year award winning transaction. The complexes were purchased by Walter Energy Canada from Western Energy in 2011 for over CA$3 billion, Turnaround Atlas Awards 2017. The transaction also won the Restructuring Deal of the Year (US$100 million to US$250 million) at the 2017 M&A Advisor Awards (November 2017). • TELUS Corporation: Advising in connection with the negotiation and acquisition of property, servicing and other related agreements for its telecommunications and fibre optic infrastructure on First Nations reserve, treaty and private lands. • Proponents developing potential liquefied natural gas and liquids export facilities in northern British Columbia: Advising in connection with land disposition, regulatory, environmental and First Nations consultation and accommodation matters.© 2019