Jbacus: an unsupported configuration Well, if you want to get picky. But I remember that it took Google a few years between the release of Google Docs and the introduction of its offline toggle.
Having something at this point, even “unsupported”, is eye-raising and bodes well for what’s coming in the future. For now be sure to frequently save file locally if offline. Instead of bemoaning the downsides of an online Free in this forum, I interpret the complaints as a feature request for an offline toggle. Sorry another company that screw upped.
First adobe, Sorry not all us don’t have full time internet connection. I’m not fighting in line at the library just to use sketch 2018. I’ll just stick to 2017 version.
Till there a new offline version. I’m not buying the pro.
Is the editor of the ECOreport (www.theecoreport.com), a website dedicated to exploring how our lifestyle choices and technologies affect the West. Mar 3, 2019 7:00 AM - ILLINOIS EXCHANGE: With 12,000 meals, Harrisburg schools feed community. Illinois to start March with snow, then subzero wind chills.
Plus who has that type money to throw away on a hobby. Also I do not use sketchup as my main 3d graphic program. Just for minor quick projects. I can give you hundreds of reason that this is bad ideal.
But then again you will give hundreds of reason why the move. Bottom line to both sides.
I’m not lying about that. Seam like everything about money now days. It’s more than just an offline button. It simply doesn’t make sense to neuter SketchUp in order to have it work inside other notoriously unreliable programs (chrome, ie, etc.). If one wanted remote use of SketchUp it’s already achievable through remote desktop connections - and in those cases you actually can make use of a high powered PC instead of the limited power of your mobile device. Cloud storage already exists if one only needs remote access to files - and that has the benefit of keeping all of ones project files in one place.
As for Google apps - people use them because they are a free alternative to office and come with your Gmail account. It doesn’t mean it’s great software - nor does it mean people love working inside a browser. Whilst that’s true, from a development point of view it means that they only have to create one version to hit all machines running Open GL so thats pretty much all of them.
When I used to work building apps it was a nightmare trying to build for iOS and Android even covering just a few release versions. That’s why we are seeing app streaming more and more now.
With the advent of 3G/4G local apps will soon be in the minority. I believe it’s a split team at the SketchUp office, the majority are working on Pro on a yearly cycle while a small team are building and maintaining the online version. They can then iterate continually as they have been rather than having to wait for bi-annual updates, it makes much more sense for the education sector they are targeting. I just built a new workshop for my hobby woodworking habit which intentionally does NOT have internet access. I have been using Sketchup to design hobby woodworking projects for several years and it is or was a quite useful tool.