Here is the xprog 5.51 software download for anyone who needs. Xprog 5.51 link 1: (credits to marmaro ) Xprog 5.51 download free: Success! Used a cheap USB-ASP along with khazama and the hex files provided by After you have your connections all done. Step 1 – Configure Khazama by going to >Commands>>Programming Options and set like in picture. Step 2 – Set Fuse and Lock bits like in my picture but do not write them.
The document Free download: XPROG-BOX 5.4.8 software. Test po istorii novogo vremeni 8 klass s otvetami yudovskaya. Program FilesDB SoftwareXProgDesktop and replace all after go run xprog 5.0 and all option in v 5.3 will. The XPROG-box project is a continuation of the project XPROG that supports more than 450 units (serial EEPROM`s, Microcontrollers (MCU), Electronics. The document Free download: XPROG-BOX 5.4.8 software. Program FilesDB SoftwareXProgDesktop and replace all after go run xprog 5.0 and all option in v 5.3 will. Latest Version X-PROG Box ECU Programmer XPROG M V5.50 Support CAS4 5M48H and new adds other authorization.
Just set them and then close the window by the X Step 3 – Load the HEX files marmaro converted. Atemga~1 to “F” (flash) and EEP to “E” (eeprom). The F & E button on top left. Then click AUTO PROGRAM. Also if you get the error I was getting just ignore it.
Once done remove your connections. Hook Xprog to PC (COM1).
Run LA’s 5.51 software. Verify in options your software is also set on com1. Then hit the UPDATE button.
Xprog 5.51 link 2: (credits to narkeleptk) Free download Xprog 5.51 SW by LuisAndre pre-converted hex files Xprog 5.51 link 3: (credits to LuisAndre) Xprog 5.51 download: This is xprogdestop version 5.5.1 with atmega flash and eeprom. To use this software, adobe flash reader 10 or higher must be installed. On the rar, you can find a text file with the instructions. If you had errors when open v5.51 crac software, make these: First install original software v5.51 or higher Execute the original software without xprog hardware attached. Close the software and then execute crac software with xprog and the errors will gone, tested by me.
The acrobat reader must be only v10, if higher, dont work, for stop adobe acrobat reader update you can use a program called UpdateFreezer_1.9.127.exe or other. Xprog 5.51 link 4: (credits to laz79 ) Free download xprog 5.5.1 software on Mega: URL=mega:///#!UEVnFT7K!3RVjrWMSBQSQ6N4PVgC0tUzV5o5NhIvwiEeGPZ0shlo Here you go: 1. Only use Adobe Reader that comes with the download (never update) 2. Switch off internet when installing and using XPROG (preferably install on laptop with no internet active) 3. Install on XP – works better 4. Insert registry file into registry 5.
After install, open software and click ‘update’ Xprog 5.51 link 5: (credits to (Newest) (Hottest) for sale for sale for sale for sale for sale IMPORTANT Note: xprog software from are all tested, 100% working no issues! The final tip: how-to’s of Xprog installation How to install Xprog 5.70 Windows 7 32bit: How to install xprog 5.60 software: How to install Xprog 5.51: For more xprog installation issues, free and easy to.
Here’s the customer solution to help users solve the problem locked and can not read or program chip issue. This is done off board with qfp64 breakout board should be able to program onboard xprog also though.
Disclaimer: Many thanks dil6222 from forum. You are at your risk. Easy fix all you need is: 1. PROGRAMMER 2. USBASP WITH SLOW CLOCK JUMPER ON EXTREME BURNER SOFTWARE AND 10 TO 6PIN ADAPTER 3.
JUMPER WIRES FEMALE AND MALE 4.QFP64 BREAKOUT BOARD let’s get started 1. First of all connect jumper wires between atmega and usbasp you will need to split vcc + into 3 wires and gnd – into 3 wires Connect vcc+ to pin 21,52 and (64 i believe optional as for avcc i test later) Connect gnd- to pin 22,53 and 63 Connect SCK to SCK Connect RESET to RESET MOSI to PE0 (common problem is people using PB2 and PB3 as there listed as mosi and MISO but they are not ) MISO to PE1 You should end up with something like this. You can see I’ve split the and vcc 2. Next connect PIN2 from DB9 SOCKET to XTAL 1.
Now connect everything else usbasp and upa to usb etc Now comes the fun bit 3. Open upa software go on tools then pulse generator and you will see this: Change frequency to 1000khz and click start and leave it running. Open extreme burner avr and go to fuse settings tab and click on read atmega should connect as normal 5. Go on each set of fuses low, high, extended lock go on bit details and click load default value for each set Then tick all the write boxs and click write. Or you can manually enter the following ( Low E1, HIGH 99, EXTENDED FD, LOCK FF then click write these are factory lockbits. Go on low fuses and check the following clksel settings are there Cksel0 (1) Cksel1 (0) Cksel2 (0) Cksel3 (0) Now erase chip and then disconnect upa That’s it all done it should be able to program/ read as normal without upa sending signal to xtal1 on mega.