Feb 28, 2018 - Introduction The previous days I was working on a hydraulic project and I had to design some pipelines in an AutoCAD 3D drawing. Ultra AutoCAD Tool is a powerful batch utility program for AutoCAD drawing files. Game emulator VisualBoyAdvance. Whats VBA Express? Of 2D polylines or 3D.
Area Boundary Method: Where is it? • Run Command: AREABOUNDARY • Or Go to Menu: Draw> Bound Area How to use it? When you run command then Insert Area Boundary dialog box will pop up. Find nested boundaries Check box: If this check box is selected then it will detect internal Area of closed entity in our case Rectangle.
Performance Section: • Analyze entities: • By default it will show ‘ As Displayed‘ option which means command will consider boundary set of visible are in Drawing. • If we select ‘Specify entities’ tab next to it and click select closed entities then this section will show number of entities specified and those will be converted into area boundary. Type: • Area boundary types can be of Region and Poly line. Based on your selection Boundary entities will convert into Region or Poly line. Above method can be use to Convert Region entity to Poly line and Vice versa by changing this Type Trick: If you want to convert any region entity to Poly line then First of all Explode that region entity. • Run command: EDITPOLYLINE or Go to Modify > Entity > Poly line.
• Select option Multiple if exploded region creates multiple entities. • Select all Entities with Window Selection and Press Enter. • Confirm: Convert Lines and Arcs to polylines? Specify Yes or No» Select Yes • This will give you additional options > Select option Join. • Specify gap tolerance >> 0 (as you have only exploded Region entity no need to set any gap tolerance) • Press Enter! Your region entity is now converted into poly line.
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I want to draw a line in autocad using excelvba. I tried the following code but it give some run time error displaying 'object doesn't support this property or method' at the 2nd last line.
Please help me to fix this. Dim point1(1 To 3) As Double Dim point2(1 To 3) As Double Dim lineobj As Object Dim myapp As Object Dim AcadDwg As AcadDocument Sub access_autocad() On Error GoTo ERRORHANDLER Set myapp = GetObject(, 'autocad.application') ERRORHANDLER: If Err.Description ' Then Set myapp = CreateObject('autocad.application') End If myapp.Visible = True Set AcadDwg = myapp.ActiveDocument point1(1) = 0: point1(2) = 0 point2(1) = 1: point2(2) = 1 Set lineobj = AcadDwg.AddLine(point1, point2) End Sub.