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For years I used Casmate to do sign writing. I am very familiar with Casmate and was wondering if I can use it on my Epilog Helix.
Sep 29, 2018 - No specific info about version 6.5. Please visit the main page of CASMATE PRO on Software Informer. Share your experience: Write a review.
I am after an updated version of casmate that will work with Win7. Anyone have a copy for sale or know where I can get a copy from. Love this site, visit nearly every day. I am a picture framer & do some sign writing as well. Use my laser for picture frames and plaques etc. And have developed a lot of ideas from all the great contributions on this great site.
Thank you to everyone:). Hey Bobby, I have Scanvec's Machine Shop (hold it I have to dust it of a bit) and it came with Casmate Pro 6.5. Don't know if they even support it anymore. Last I heard about 8+- years ago they stopped making it and Enroute pro and Flexisign Pro replaced it.
Go here for more info. Since it was based on the late 1990's architecture I doubt it would run efficiently on a win 7 platform and I would suggest just getting a laptop or simple older Pentium PC that runs win XP or even WIN 2000 if your laser will talk to it or even trading it in towards something made in the 21st century.
Please fill out your signature page so we know what you got and where you are. It helps people answer your questions better. Reclaime file recovery ultimate. Oh and Welcome to the Creek.
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