Payday 2 DLC UNLOCKER. Meena Gaming. How to use dlc unlocker with out getting cheater tag is just using dlc characters, no guns, no weapon mods. Can I get VAC banned from using PiratePerfection for Payday 2? When the round is over your nice cheater tag is gone again. (When you secure bag, host suspects that you no longer have any bag on you.). Check DLC Unlocker.
So, CreamAPI works for Payday 2. You won't be able to join any game that has 'Auto-kick cheaters' enabled, as many people do. But, It works just fine if you're playing with friends or just hosting the game yourself (why wouldn't you with all this dlc?). If you are joining other people's games which aren't using 'Auto-kick cheaters' you'll be tagged as a cheater only in that session.
If you later choose to remove CreamAPI and use the game legit, the CHEATER tag should dissapear. Also, you don't need to download anything else, because all the DLC files are already installed in the game even if you don't own them. For some reason, steamdb didn't include some DLC, but I fixed that. If any DLC are missing, I'm willing to update it.
Edit: After a bit of testing, seems they don't even get the 'CHEATER' tag. I know this is a really old thread, but this is the only creamAPI for Payday 2 iv been able to find that works. A while ago I uninstalled the game and recently reinstalled it, forgetting to save my steam_api.dll's in the process, and now the zippyshare link doesnt work any more. Does anyone have any solution to this?
Obrazec napisaniya pisjma drugu na russkom yazike en. I have the cream api.ini, and theres a working link for it in the post above, but no steam api DLL's unfortunately. Iv tried everything I could think of, with no success. Tutorial adobe director bahasa indonesia adalah. Im not sure what I need to do to the Steam API DLL on my own to get it to work, so wondering if anyone still has a link or something to ShallowSparks DLL.